Inter Plus Group, through its subsidiary Inter G, optimizes the production and consumption of electricity and energy in properties in both Germany and the Netherlands. Inter G performes energy consumption analysis andcharacterizes, establishes and maintains an optimal and unique energy solution for the property.

Inter G offers its customers complete customized energy solutions (EPC) based upon the real estate type, available space, power consumption, heating and cooling. The Group's engineering team analyzes electricity, as well as the heating and cooling consumption, and provides optimized energy packages implementing the most advanced design tools in the energy market.

Each property is characterized by an integrated energy solution based on systems from within our range of solutions, including:

  • Solar energy (PV)
  • Engines
  • Micro turbines
  • Energy storage
  • Boilers for heating water
  • Energy-saving lighting solutions
  • Electric vehicle charging stations

Following construction and connection to the utility grid, the Company maintains and operates the energy facilities to the customer's satisfaction in compliance with multi-year contracts. Our mission is to reduce the consumers' energy costs while making their existing energy supply system efficient and reliable utilizing the available renewable energy resources.
