Inter plus creates social, community, and environmental added value as part of its core activities

Inter Plus creates social, community, and environmental added value as part of its core activities. Inter Plus places great importance to the integration of its social and environmental commitment at all levels of action, creating a natural synergy with the professional execution activities in the areas of expertise and in full compliance with proper management and ethical conduct. Inter believes that the realization of the all-encompassing goal of profit depends, among other things, on the promotion of social responsibility and also measures its success in terms of social and environmental benefit.

  1. The human resource - First and foremost, the Group puts its employees at the forefront of the responsibility policy, while understanding that the company’s human resource, the corporate culture, the staff’s expertise, as well as service quality are the qualities that set Inter apart in the market and are the key to its growth.
    Since its inception, the Group has become known for its meticulous adherence to safety issue, with an emphasis on using the most up-to-date safety procedures and equipment, conducting continuous training and close control of every project on every site in which it operates.
    The Group is responsible for the well-being of its employees and for promoting the representation of people with disabilities and disadvantaged populations among its employees. Inter encourages its employees to take part in social activities as part of its managers’ and employees’ personal goals. In light of the great demand to join its ranks, the job selection processes are complex and allow for the selection of candidates with the highest potential for success over the years, while supporting employment in the periphery. The Group carefully select suppliers and subcontractors with similar values and commitment to the safety and well-being of their employees.
  2. Direct activity as part of its core business - sustainability, green and renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy storage, and charging stations for electric vehicles. The Group has been operating for many years in the business of renewable energies as part of the international strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and the use of fossil fuels. This, among others, is done by prioritizing photo-voltaic (PV), energy storage and other renewable energy projects.
    The Group ensures that high-quality materials and tools are used as part of the works, with minimal ecological footprint while giving preference to locally-made products.
    With the onset of the past decade, the Group decided to specialize in electro-mechanical system works and services with focus on energy efficiency, reduced energy consumption and green construction. The customers are always encouraged to choose energy efficient equipment  considering commercial aspects as well.  . The Group promotes its energy storage and electric vehicle charging activities with the understanding that  projects with a positive environmental impact contributes both to the community and the company incl. its business results.
  3. Indirect activity via assistance to social organizations in the non-profit sector as part of the Group’s commitment to social responsibility. The Group supports various charities and social centres, including: AKIM - the national organization for people with intellectual disabilities and their families; Association for Children at Risk; Chasidei Menachem Institutes’ Soup Kitchen; Ezer Mizion Health Support Programme – Bone Marrow Registry; Israeli Protection Center for Sexual Assault Victims; “Lihiot Sham” Being There – Autism to Independence, hiring employees through a rehabilitative work enterprise; Helping Hand for a Friend, assistance for needy Holocaust survivors.

Inter Plus takes its corporate responsibility, especially towards the community and environment, very seriously and makes every effort to continuously improve and self-audit the companies activities as part of its annual program.